New diagnostic and therapeutic tools
against multidrug resistant tumours



STRATAGEM is organised across a number of roles and bodies that all collaborate to fulfil the objectives outlined in the memorandum of understanding. Like all COST actions, STRATAGEM is structured around its management committee. COST actions typically run for four years, but are divided up into Grant Periods (GPs) that run from the 1st of May to the 30th of April of the year after.

Management Committee (MC)

The central decision-making body in a COST action. The body must approve any proposals for new scientific activities – conferences, student missions etc. – made by the Core Group, and members can make proposals for activities themselves. It consists of up to two representatives from each of the participating countries, which had all signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), and also includes Substitutes for those full members should they be unavailable for a Management Committee meeting. MC members and Substitutes are nominated by the COST National Coordinator (CNC) of each country. The MC must meet at least once a year to review the activities of the Grant Period and to plan for the next.


Presides over the management committee and Core Group meetings.


Substitutes the Chair in management committee meetings when absent. The Vice-Chair is also a member of the Core Group.

Core Group (CG)

Acts as the steering committee of STRATAGEM, making proposals that must be approved by the management committee. It is made up of: the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the four Working Group leaders, the Science Communicator and the STSM coordinator. For more information as to the roles of each member please see the Core Group page.

Working Groups (WGs)

The principal research activities of STRATAGEM are performed by the Working Groups. There are four WGs; one for each area of scientific research in the Action. The WGs are made up of experts, from all over Europe, in the respective fields who coordinate in a number of  WG meetings over a Grant Period. For more information on the WGs and their activities, please see the Working Group pages.